step 1
the first step is to understand some keywords..
what does career even mean?
The word career is easily associated of thoughts of advancing and working your way up in your workplace. It is perceived as linear and linked to performance and status.
We want to use the word more based on the individual’s premises, desire and mobility. It still means development, but we want to highlight that it is a development determined by the individual and not by the surrounding or society.
The career process are rarely “clear” or “easy”. It is rather movable, tricky and can be experienced as going backwards. But all those parts is an important process in your personal development.
We want to highlight this theme, so you can work with your doubts and feelings of disorientation. We don’t want to work against them….thereby the first step is to pause, accept and reflect.
take time to question your view of a “successful career”.
what does it mean and why?
a changing labour market
An important part of changing one’s view of career and understanding that it can be more flexible is related to which direction the labor market is moving. Globalization and digitization enable a completely different form of competition than before. Project employment is becoming more common than being permanently employed, which requires a different level of flexibility from the individual. The first step is to become aware and prepared, and then work towards an attitude that can handle it.
learn to be aware and create your identity
One step is to reflect on one’s identity. Which identity markers are important to me? It is easy for one’s professional identity to take over one’s personal identity, which can become problematic in a world with an unstable labor market. In doing so, I want to highlight the value of reflecting on the other important pillars of one’s identity. If you nurture and develop these, you can more easily handle rapid changes within your professional identity.
self reflection
The importance of becoming self aware. Learn to acknowledge your values, priorities, interests, strengths and areas of development.
We promote an holistic view of the self. If you learn to broaden the perspective in more areas in your life, you will not only be more prepared for changes, but also may see new competencies and strengths that you can use in professional role……it’s a win win